Agile Implementation

Feb 16 2021

The need to plan and adapt is greater than ever, but how to do that quickly in an ever-fluctuating world?

The pandemic exacerbated an already dynamic environment. Business now needs to deliver rapid improvements whilst accommodating fast changing requirements.

Traditional business improvement tools are often seen as slow and unresponsive, heavy on process but light on flexibility and speed. This challenge has long been recognised in the software industry where agile project management was developed to deal with uncertain and changing requirements and the need for quicker delivery. It is based on teams working collaboratively in short “sprints” to deliver a minimum solution, that can be enhanced in future iterations, but which provides immediate benefit. This approach can be adapted to implement business improvement projects, whilst retaining the core benefits of speed and flexibility. Such an adoption is in the tradition of agile, which itself draws much on the revolutionary manufacturing techniques developed in Japan late last century.

At Collcutt Associates we have incorporated agile into our standard implementation method so we can help businesses to achieve rapid benefits in a changing world.

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